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[TUTORIAL] Vote for N in Click!StarWars using PC/laptop or smartphone

Why should you vote for N?

If N reaches 200.000 stars by 2017-06-25, he will get a banner for his birthday in Korea and Japan. He is now at 16,887 stars. We managed to get the banner for KEN because we could vote with much more stars than we will be able to vote now.

The trick this time is that we can only vote with Rainbow stars and that makes this almost an IMPOSSIBLE MISSION. But we are STARLIGHTS and we will do our best, so, let's all follow this tutorial and bring back the STARLIGHT POWER.

We are no longer collecting all the stars in the daily missions but only the Rainbow stars.

Create as many accounts you can and during the voting period collect the 9 Rainbow stars/account/day and vote.

If you want to help, but can't create many accounts, DM us on twitter or Facebook and we will lend you some accounts.

There will be no all in, we will vote every day.

Voting period: 2017-06-14 ~ 2017-06-25

For people new to ClickStarWars this tutorial will show you how to create your account, how to collect Rainbow stars and how to vote for N.

What are RAINBOW STARS and how to collect them:

1. The stars we receive now for “Suggested news”.

2. The stars you buy.

3. The stars you receive from “Free charging station” after you download app. Only available on smartphones not PC/laptops.

4. Stars you receive for BEST post.

Out of these 4 options, nr. 1 and nr. 4 are the most available for us international starlights. That gives us really limited powers. Create as many accounts as you can and collect the 9 Rainbow stars for every account you created (or received from us), every day, until the event ends or we reach our goal. Post one photo with your main account and share it and recommend it with all your accounts for a chance to get the 50 Rainbow stars for BEST post.


Please open this link in your Chrome browser.

You will have to use Chrome because it will translate the page in English. To translate the page click on the icon in the red square, then click Translate.

Click on the star as the arrow indicates.

Click Join.

Click on are you a foreigner.

Set your ID and your Nickname, they can be the same, click on check to see if they are available.

Set your password, as always confirm the password by writing it again.

Write your e-mail. Make sure you spelled it correctly and that you have access to it.

Click on agree to the terms of service and agree to privacy policy.

After you agreed, the site will tell you if your email can be used. You can have only one account using that email. Click NEXT.

Click NEXT again.

As you are on a page translated in English by your browser, you will find VIXX as Bix. You can write Bix and click on search, or you can scroll until you find Bix.

Click on Bix.

Click ok.

Click ok again.

Click ok and open your email. You will receive an email from the site.

If you use gmail it will look like this, please click on the link.

If you use yahoo, select the link, right click with you mouse and then again click on Go to ....

After you clicked the link you will get this message, click OK.

Click on the star again.

Click on login.

Insert your ID and password and click login again.

Click on the 3 horizontal lines.

Click on Collect stars.

Click on Today's free stars.

This is the list with our mission. Skip the attendance check.

Please click on Shortcuts to go to the news.

Close your ad block if you use one.

Click on the photo to open the news.

Go to the bottom of the news, you will find the Star Wars recommendation. Click on one of those 4 pictures, a new tab will open for you. After the new tab is fully loaded, on the tab with Click!StarWars you will receive 3 Rainbow stars. If it takes too long, close the new tab and click on the picture again or one of the other 3.

Click confirm then go back to the list with the news. Do the exact same thing with the next two news. Receiving 3 stars for opening the link suggested by the site.

How to vote for N.

Click on the 3 horizontal lines, click on STAR MARKET.

Click on N's picture.

Click on Additional information.

Put the number of Rainbow Stars you have instead of 1.

I had 9, I wrote 9 instead of 1. Click ok.

Click ok again.

The total of stars received by N is 18.500 at the moment this tutorial was made.

Thank you all for reading, let's get those Rainbow Stars. FIGHTING!!

Tutorial by Lalla of VIXX Stardust

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