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[TUTORIAL] Collecting stars in Click!StarWars using PC/laptop

Click!StarWars site was reorganized on 05.08.2017.

What is new: Now we collect two kinds of stars:

* General stars that are valid for 15 days since you achieved them;

* Rainbow stars that are valid for 6 months since you received them.


1. The stars we receive now for “Suggested” posts.

2. The stars you buy.

3. The stars you receive from “Free charging station” after you download app. Only available on smartphones not PC/laptops.

4. Stars you receive for watching ads (only 3/day) available only on smartphones.


All the other stars you receive in daily mission, time event, 50 stars for BEST post in the community, etc.


Please open this link in your Chrome browser.

You will have to use Chrome because it will translate the page in English. To translate the page click on the icon in the red square, then click Translate.

Click on the star as the arrow indicates.

Click Join.

Click on are you a foreigner.

Set your ID and your Nickname, they can be the same, click on check to see if they are available.

Set your password, as always confirm the password by writing it again.

Write your e-mail. Make sure you spelled it correctly and that you have access to it.

Click on agree to the terms of service and agree to privacy policy.

After you agreed, the site will tell you if your email can be used. You can have only one account using that email. Click NEXT.

Click NEXT again.

As you are on a page translated in English by your browser, you will find VIXX as Bix. You can write Bix and click on search, or you can scroll until you find Bix.

Click on Bix.

Click ok.

Click ok again.

Click ok and open your email. You will receive an email from the site.

If you use gmail it will look like this, please click on the link.

If you use yahoo, select the link, right click with you mouse and then again click on Go to ....

After you clicked the link you will get this message, click OK.

Click on the star again.

Click on login.

Insert your ID and password and click login again.

Click on the 3 horizontal lines.

Click on Collect stars.

Click on Today's free stars.

This is the list with our missions. First we have to do the attendance check. Click on shortcuts.

The attendance check is a question. Sometimes you have to choose. If you don't know the answer, no problem you can click on all the answers until you get the star.

When you answer correctly you will get this message.

Sometimes, the answer is yes O or no X. Click on O or X and you will get your star.

There are times when you have to write the answer yourself. You can click on the article hint and you will find the answer there. You can also DM us and we'll tell you the answer. Click ok after you received the star and go back.

Click on Today's free stars again.

As you can see, now you have 1/1 stars for attendance check. The next two missions are related to news. If you follow the next steps, you will finish both missions without loosing time.

Please click on Shortcuts to go to the news.

Close your ad block if you use one.

Click on the photo to open the news.

Go to the bottom of the news and click on Receive, you will get 1 star for that news. Click ok.

If you already received a star for that news you will get this message. Click ok.

As you are at the bottom of the news, you will also find the Star Wars recommendation. Click on one of those 4 pictures, a new tab will open for you. After the new tab is fully loaded, on the tab with Click!StarWars you will receive 3 Rainbow stars. Sometimes you have to wait a little bit before you get the 3 stars. If it takes too long, close the new tab and click on the picture again or one of the other 3.

Click confirm then go back to the list with the news. Do the exact same thing with the next two news. Receiving a star for the news and 3 stars for opening the link suggested by the site.

With the rest of the news you will only have to click on Receive. On every news you received a heart you will have a check mark and the word Read.

If you go back to Collect stars, you will see if you managed to receive all 30 stars for opening the news and 9 stars for opening the links suggested by Click!StarWars. You finished 2 missions^^

Now it's time to share your posts or posts made by other starlights. Click on Shortcuts.

Shortcuts will direct you to the community. To share a picture you have to click on share, authorize the app to post on Facebook or Twitter and after you share the picture you get 1 star.

If you want to share your own pictures, click on the symbol you see in the red square.

You have to write something, even if it is just a <3. Click on + to upload a picture from your computer, then click on Enrollment. Click on Ok two times after that and you will see your picture in the community. Share it as in the picture above.

The last mission is SOS request. Click on Shortcuts.

You can share your SOS from Singer Ranking where you can find VIXX. To get to VIXX click on Overall ranking. You have to send SOS for VIXX 3 times.

Click on SOS, click to share on Twitter, Facebook and kakaostory and you will receive 3 stars. If you don't have kakaostory you can share 1 time on Twitter and 2 times on Facebook, or share it 3 times on Facebook.

Click on Confirm.

Go back to your Today's free stars. If you completed all your missions, you will get this message saying that you received today's free stars and tells you the date.

After midnight in Korea, you can get your today's free stars again, as it is a new day.

To check how many stars you have, click as below.

Let's collect as many stars as possible until the comeback and wait for our call^^

As you can see, I have now 18 rainbow stars and 188 general stars.

Since now stars come with an expiring date, we have to always check if our stars are still valid and for how long. To check, click on your profile picture and click on My point status.

As you can see below you will be able to see the number of hearts scheduled to expire in 7 days and in 1 day. This way, you will be able to vote before they expire

You can also get stars if you login at the right time. After you logged in go to Collect stars, click on today's free stars and below the daily missions you will find the lazy afternoon button and a pleasant evening button. When one of the buttons is in blue, click on it and you will receive 30 stars.

Click on Receive 30 stars and then press ok. You now have 30 more stars^^.

You can now vote for VIXX but instead of clicking on SOS you click on VOTE. The site will tell you how many hearts you have (Rainbow and general). Write how many stars you want to use and click vote.

But instead of voting for Vixx Take my hand, collect stars to vote for the new song when VIXX will have their comeback on 05.15.2017. Our collected stars from today will still be valid.

Thank you all for reading, we hope this tutorial will be helpful. Let's make this comeback spectacular together, for VIXX.

Tutorial by Lalla of VIXX Stardust

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